SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
The SOP is the most fundamental tool in systemizing a business. A well written SOP makes work delegation a breeze.
Organization Structure
The organization chart helps you structure your business functions to reduce confusion and chaos in the organization. It is also used to establish accountability and manage delegation.
Responsibilities / Task Manager
As your organization grows, you may no longer need to do the physical or technical work. You will transition into a people manager who's task is to ensure that everyone is doing their work according to your specification and standard. Your job is to ensure they are not overworked, that their roles and responsibilities fit their skill set and to provide them training, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish their job.
People Profiles
The people profile manager is there to help you quickly assess the status of your employees, their health, knowledge, and interest, so you will be able to assign them to the right roles suitable to their personality and interest.
Your todo's are day to day goal setting that drives your immediate attention and action that contributes towards accomplishing your mission. Your todo's can be assigned to people in your organization.
Vision is your long term goals and where you plan to be 3-5 years in the future. Your long term goal will guide your immediate actions and your short term goals.
Mission are short term goals that you try to accomplish so it contributes to your long term goals.
Core Values
Are a set of values that you have intentionally chosen to govern and hold accountable against your actions and everyone else in your organization. Ideally you should have core values - a set of common values that you may share with other organizations. In addition, you should have company specific values that suits your industry or organization.
Job Description
Writing a job description forces you to think hard about the person you are hiring. It helps you set expectation, communicate what you want from them and is also a good method to screen out less suitable candidates.
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
KPI forces you to think through the results that you want out of an activity or group of activities into something specific that can be measured so you can track progress objectively. This best practice will help transition you into a metrics driven business.
HR Budget
Employee compensation and headcount matters. Even for a small business. Allocate too low, people leave, allocate too much, you run a deficit. The HR Budget system gives you a quick glimpse of employee overhead, supplementing your PnL report so you make better financial, and strategic decision.
Reminder and Notification System
As business owners, we are swamped with various responsibilities and tasks. It's beyond overwhelming. The OrgEngine reminder system will consistently draw your attention so you always remember to work on your business.